10 Days of Kiligraphy

Saturday, March 11, 2017

February has always been considered as the season of love. And prior on that month, I made a little pact to myself that I'll do my very best not to be bitter on Valentine's Day. So here I go again, doing this kiligraphy stuff. I can't believe it's already been three years since I started this tradition. Haha! Anyway, for this year's entries I wrote were mostly lyrics from the songs that make me feel kilig-much, and sometimes knock me off my feet whenever I listen to them.

DAY 01: "I Melt With You" - Modern English.
Although the story behind this song is quite bizarre, this is really my most requested song whenever I hang out with my friends in a music bar. I think this song is really beautiful. Try listening to KC Concepcion's cover, by the way! It might be different from the original but it's soothing and dope. 

DAY 02: "Caught in the Middle" - Charli XCX.
You're like the song I was listening to until I found myself singing your words and melodies for hours and I can't help but to hit the replay button over and over again. You're giving that last song syndrome, literally.

DAY 03: "Catch Me" - Demi Lovato.
That young love. Aw! I can still remember those night when we used to stay up late, just talking about random things like how was your day going on and laughing like fools on the phone. Good times! It was long time ago but I can still recall those good and bad times we shared especially when I hit the sack. I guess you're one of the few reasons why I sometimes smile in my sleep.

DAY 04: "Baby I'm Yours" - Arctic Monkeys.
Two plus two is equal to four which means two plus two will never be three, so I just going to love fourever! Pardon me, I'm so lame on puns. Haha!

DAY 05: "Umaapaw" - Ang Bandang Shirley.
This line could be translated as "you're the water that would quench my thirst." Honestly, this is one of the great songs that would basically make you confess to your crush about feelings.

DAY 06: "Stolen" - Dashboard Confessional.
How I could I forget those beautiful brown eyes that melt my heart instanly. *giggles infinitely*

DAY 07: "Run Away with Me" - Carly Rae Jepsen.
To be honest, this is the most played track in my playlist since 2015! I don't know why I can't stop playing this song. Maybe this song tells our story. I'm in the present while you're in the future. And we're like in a long distance relationship but one day, we'll meet. (Omg! What am I writing though? Lol.)

DAY 08: "Lionheart" - Demi Lovato.
The great ancient Roman poet Virgil once said, "amor vincit omnia, et nos cedamus amori." which is could be translated as love conquers all things, so we too shall yield to love. It's like our love is the strongest weapon we got in facing the world.

DAY 09: "Your Song" - Parokya ni Edgar.
You always keep me sane and I find solace in your arms. So, I guess I'm falling for you but I'm a bit hesitant to be committed to you. I must admit, I am scared of all the shortcomings and obstacles that we'll be facing maybe that's why I tend to run away from you but my feet always lead me back to you.

DAY 10: "Teenage Dream" - Katy Perry.
Oh, Valentine's Day! Let's look back on that time when you fall in love for the first time with this track.

I wish everyone had a great day celebrating V-Day. Remember, Valentine's Day is not always all about having a date, getting bouquets of flowers or boxes of chocolates but it's also the day in which you can express your love to you loved ones, such as your family and friends. All after, love and time are the greatest gifts you can give to them. ♥

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