Giving Thanks at Simala

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 Sibonga, Cebu, Philippines

2016 was literally a roller coaster (and Ferris wheel) ride of emotions. Too many sad events had happened yet there were also a lot of awesome experiences which both help me become a better person. And to give thanks to all these things, I decided to go back to one of favorite churches here in Cebu—The Church of the Miraculous Mama Mary in Simala, municipality of Sibonga, a 2-hour bus ride from Cebu City. To get there, ride a bus bound to Southern Cebu (Argao, Oslob, or Bato) in Cebu South Bus Terminal.

And let me share a bit of story about the last time I went to Simala. The last time I was here was about five years ago. At that time, I was wishing to get a new job. Haha! Few weeks later, I was hired by a BPO company. So here I am, finally back in here, trying hard to wish for something zany: to have a little progress on my lovelife. Hahahajk!

This is definitely my favorite picture from the trip. Truly, this place is getting more and more beautiful and stunning at the same time. So I guess, that's why it is likened to some churches in Europe. By the way, it is better to visit here around late afternoon if you can't take the scorching sunlight and it is also less crowded. Talking 'bout less (or no) photobombers. Lol. But it is also a must to visit the church when there is a Holy Mass conducted.  

It is a beautiful work-in-progress, indeed! ♥

They even added a huge pond in the center with some pavilions.

I can't wait to see the whole place filled with awesome hues.

When you go the right side (for petitions and lighting some candles), you'll going to see this signage. It could be literally translated as "Please respect this sacred place. Please read the rules and guidelines. Thank you very much."

 You light up petition candles as many as you want. Each color of the candle has different meaning:
  • GOLD - for healing (good health, recovery, spiritual, family tree)
  • GREEN - for prosperity/success (exam, study, financial, business)
  • BLUE - perseverance (employment, career, assignment, promotions)
  • VIOLET - achievement (plans in life, struggles, endeavors, journey)
  • RED - love (unity, friendship, engagement, family)
  • YELLOW - peace (courage, strength, hope)
  • WHITE - purity (enlightenment, guidance, right path)
  • ORANGE - reconciliation (sweetheart, wife, husband, enemy, family)
  • PINK - thanksgiving/happiness/joy (spiritual, physical)
  • BLACK - souls (forgiveness, pardon)
  • BROWN - vocation (marriage bond, God's servant, single life)
Bought a few of them and offered some prayers. Can you guess which of them I bought?

As we went inside, the interior never fails to amaze us.

On the left side, you'll going to see a hallway filled with testimonies of some people who are said to be healed by the Miraculous Mother. Take this hallway if you want to go to the second floor of the building.

The statue of Mother Mary can found at the back of the main altar on the second floor.

The second floor is also filled with a more than a hundred statues of different Mother Mary.

Obligatory selfie with  Jeey and Hannah.

The place is really huge and since arrived a bit late and it's getting dark, we weren't able to roam around the other parts. Anyway, the important thing is that I was able to do my goal of going here—to give thanks for all the blessings. And here's the final photo for this wonderful and random pilgrimage! I am looking forward for the wonderful things that are yet to come in 2017.

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